Adult Bible Classes - Sunday Mornings at 10:00 AM

A small group setting for helpful and relevant study of God’s Word.

Sojourners Class

The Sojourners Class is a general Bible class for adults of all ages.

Class Leaders - Roy and Lendel Stanley

Sunday School is a time where we can have smaller groups together for questions and discussions. It is my desire to make the lessons relevant to your daily life through the scriptures and examples. This also allows the class to share personal experiences in relation the the lesson.

I encourage you to become a part of our Sunday School class and get involved in the learning and sharing.

Roy Stanley

Women in God’s Service (W.I.N.G.S.)

This is a warm Bible class where all ladies are welcome. This is a detailed usually a verse by verse taught by our Pastor’s wife, Carol Bryson.

Class Leader - Carol Bryson